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» Software

embedded MP2 audio decoder


GPS solution software suite




Ultra low power sea mammal tracking system


embedded FAT16/32 for CF cards


MPEG2 video encoder for the c6000


embedded MP2 audio encoder


c6000 graphics overlay system


configurable monitor software


embedded graphics LCD driver


MB-RTK GPS solution


GPS precision point solution


Hynav Software Catalogue

Hynav offer a range of software modules for both PC and DSP platforms, with our core competence centered on, but not limited to, GPS and Video system components. Almost all of the software listed is in current use worldwide in commercially successful applications by our clients, giving us the experience to deliver an unsurpassed level of performance and reliability. In addition to the catalogued software modules, we also offer a consultancy service, and can customise or commision from scratch software to meet your needs.

GPS Software Components.

  • A complete GPS solution software suite, inputting raw GPS data and computing position, speed and heading.
  • A GPS precision point solution, using the high precision data available over the internet from the JPL to compute a more accurate solution than is possible using the broadcast data from the satellites.
  • An SBAS decoder, that decodes the data broadcast by SBAS satellites such as the US WAAS and European EGNOS system, in order to improve the accuracy of the standard solution.
  • A sea mammal tracking solution, that "grabs" tiny snapshots of the GPS RF signal when the mammal surfaces, and processes it underwater using a software correlator, working to stringent constraints of power and weight.

Audio/Vidio Software Components.

General Embedded System Components.


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